Archive storage in Hampshire and Surrey

Save space, time and money with our document archive storage service.

Or call a member of our team on 01420 475800.

Document archive storage

If you’re a business or sole-trader looking for a safe and secure place to store your paperwork then our long term warehouse storage is the perfect solution.

Whether it’s to comply with government or industry legislation, or just to keep hold of useful documents and records that contain valuable information, it’s common to find businesses of all sizes drowning in records and archived paperwork.

A home, shop or office isn’t always the safest place to keep your archives and the more you add, the less practical holding on to them ‘in house’ becomes. By utilising our long term document storage, you will not only save yourself organisational time but also free up essential space and create a calmer, less cluttered workspace.

Contact the storage team

Why choose our document storage?

Document storage is all about making your life easier. We can collect, index and create an inventory of your documents saving you time and letting you get on with what you do best, running your business.

Our pricing is fixed on a per box basis and, once your documents are safely stored in our secure warehouse, you can access them on site by arrangement or give us a call as we’ll retrieve what you need, scan a copy and email it right over. It couldn’t be easier!

To find out more about how we can help with your document storage, give us a call on 01420 475800.

Get in touch
Document storage

Why outsource your document storage?

  • Free up space in your office, shop or home
  • Keep all of your archives in one convenient location
  • Relax with our comprehensive insurance cover
  • Stop wasting money on unnecessary storage space

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